Bonus Pool

A Bonus Pool of money boosts Giving DuPage Days donations. It has multiple benefits, most importantly: 

  1. The entire Bonus Pool is distributed to participating nonprofits, providing valuable unrestricted funding.
  2. The Bonus Pool encourages more donations from donors because their gifts are boosted during Giving DuPage Days! 
  3. Donations made online and by mail are eligible to leverage funds from the Bonus Pool. 

Giving DuPage Days Bonus Pool

The Bonus Pool is awarded to all participating nonprofits based on the percentage of the overall Giving DuPage Days total they raise. The Bonus Pool ensures that donations go further during Giving DuPage Days. No single organization may receive more than 7% of the total Bonus Pool in a given year. 


Q. How is the Bonus Pool distributed?

The Bonus Pool is awarded to all participating nonprofits based on the percentage of the overall Giving DuPage Days total they raise. For example: If a nonprofit raises 2% of our grand total, they receive 2% of the Bonus Pool, if they raise 5% of the grand total, they get 5% of the Bonus Pool. No single organization may receive more than 7% of the total Bonus Pool in a given year.

Q. Who has given to the Bonus Pool and how are they recognized?

Giving DuPage Days Community Partners contribute to the Bonus Pool. Those who donate $250 or more to the Bonus Pool are recognized on the Giving DuPage Days homepage. Additional recognition occurs in print media, social media, group acknowledgements, e-newsletters. Depending on gift timing, not all recognition opportunities may be possible.

Q. Who is allowed to give to the Bonus Pool?

Anyone can donate to the Bonus Pool. Businesses, foundations, and individuals make generous contributions to the Bonus Pool to broadly support ALL of the nonprofits participating in Giving DuPage Days. Donors can also give a little extra online during the 24-hour giving day by donating to the Bonus Pool!

Q. How can I contribute to the Bonus Pool?

 Contact Taylor Endicott at or 630-407-6458 to make a donation to the Bonus Pool.